We’re bringing back fun, because life is not meant to be played alone.

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Building experiences that bring us together.

Imagine a world where you can maximize your creativity, emotions, and fulfill your deepest desires in a playful way. Now, imagine that this is no longer just an imagination. Welcome to SLAY.

Data from May 2024


Short on yesterday’s MegaCorps,
long on today’s users & developers.

The incentive structure for developers and users is broken. We believe in an ecosystem where great products bring the most joy.

Backed by people
who understand joy.


Riccardo Zacconi

Founder @ King

Ilkka Paananen

CEO @ Supercell

Scooter Braun

Founder @ SB Projects

Scott Belsky

CPO @ Adobe

Harry Stebbings

Founder @ 20VC

Alexander Pall

The Chainsmokers

Velocity over everything.
Quick, quicker, SLAY.

We blend data, the drive to learn and rapid iteration with human taste, creativity, and authentic emotions.

Join us